Stretched canvas

The canvas is one of the most widely used washers for painting. From my offer, you can choose a wide range of canvas - 100% linen, cotton or their combination. As well is available primed canvas - painted with basic paint which is immediately ready for painting and primed canvas - in case when you prefer to prepare the foundation according to your needs.

Your requirements are challenge for me, whether it is about isolation primed canvas or primed according to your needs.

stretched canvas on a thin and thick stretcher bars
stretched canvas on an atypical cross section of stretcher bars

The stretched canvas on a thin and thick stretcher bars.

The stretched canvas on an atypical cross section of stretcher bars.

stretched canvas on atypical stretcher frames
hand isolation and stretcher of canvas

The stretched canvas on atypical stretcher frames.

Hand isolation and stretcher of canvas.

stretcher linen canvas on the oak stretcher frame

The stretcher linen canvas on the oak stretcher frame.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about stretched canvas, please email me.