Washers under paintings

Even the ancient masters knew the quality of paintings on wooden substrates. Wooden board was in the15 century the most widely used substrate under the painting. Perhaps the most famous work of art in history - Mona Lisa is the perfect example.

Wooden boards or plywood on the frame provide an alternative to canvas and serve as an ideal base not only for encaustic, painting or icons. They provide the opportunity to return back to the principles of the old masters.

The board is coated with glue and sepsis, or glued primed canvas on board will be ideal for your production.

The plywood on frames

The plywood on a frame provides an alternative to the canvas.

plywood for frame frames of different thicknesses
different sizes of plywood to the frame

Plywood for frame frames of different thicknesses.

Different sizes of plywood to the frame.

Wooden boards

Wooden boards provide an alternative to the canvas.

hand made primed an oak board
hand primed a spruce board

Hand made primed an oak board.

The hand primed a spruce board.

primed canvas is glued to the spruce board

The primed canvas is glued to the spruce board.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about washers under paintings, please contact me.